The Indirect Air Carrier Standard Security Program (IACSSP)
Student Registration Form
We have updated our training materials with the TSA’s latest release of the IACSSP. In our class you will be taught in such a manner as to gain the “demonstrative knowledge” the TSA mandates and students will understand the latest change to their security program, the IACSSP thus ensuring 100% full TSA compliance.
As your authorized representative for training, IAC Training Inc., for more than 20 years, continues to deliver the critical extra step by providing an intelligent energizing classroom style setting where all aspects of the TSA’s regulatory changes can be discussed, real life examples can be shared and understanding and learning can be effectively accomplished. This includes a thorough understanding of the information you need for a solid, up-to-the minute understanding, of the IACSSP including applicable TSA Alerts and Security Directives.
Why risk being unknowledgeable about your security program when the TSA comes to your facility for "a visit"? Not knowing and carefully adhering to the specifics in your IACSSP can result in costly fines (civil penalties) far, far, exceeding the cost of tuition to attend our class.
Long before anyone else put much emphasis on it … IAC Training was in the forefront of training the IACSSP. We remain totally dedicated to helping you gain full understanding and compliance with what can be, at times, confusing regulations.
Thank you for including us as part of your educated defense against terrorism and helping you to ensure the TSA’s training compliance mandates.
IAC Training is the leading provider of comprehensive, cost effective, cargo security training to meet the requirements of the Transportation Security Administration's regulations for the Indirect Air Carrier industry. Find out how you can be in compliance with the ever changing TSA Regulations.
Do you
- That
the TSA is now focusing more than ever on cargo security?
If your employees can pass a TSA inspection with regard to the IACSSP?
What your employee's responsibilities are under the IACSSP TSA Regulations?
- The
TSA requires you to train certain employees, vendors, truckers, etc
on the IACSSP and maintain training records?
If your Indirect Air Carrier Standard Security Program is up to date
with the latest information contained in your IACMS?
- By
annually signing your IACSSP you have already certified to the TSA
that all your
employees have received the required training.
- You
must provide the training records and even more to the TSA upon request.
- That
you now play a vital role in National Security?
IAC Training helps you insure that your employees meet the training requirement and are ready for inspection and can answer the TSA's questions with confidence. We have incorporated the TSA's new Change to the IACSSP into our training programs, and are ready to train your employees to meet the new compliance requirements.
course covers:
to the minute critical changes effecting how you do business.
qualifies as a "known" or an "unknown shipper" and how that differs with Change 6?
responsibility under the new Change 6 regulations.
employees' responsibilities.
you need to know about the new limited role of the Shipper's Security
How to accept cargo taking into account the Change 6.
additional documentation should be provided to the passenger airline.
relating to cargo area access and ground movement of cargo.
Training program certification and documentation.
notification procedures.
Required records and their access.
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